2 Weeks Group Project with Nicole Kim

The purpose of the Glofi app is to encourage people to engage in the ‘Glowing Going Gone’ campaign and facilitate user action to restore the marine ecosystem. Our solution is to design simplified steps to make pledges and a photo filter that attract people to join and share the campaign. Furthermore, the users can get rewards by completing the actions given in the Glofi app so that we can get continuous support. ‍Glofi was created in collaboration with Nicole Kim(Graphic Designer) for the Adobe Creative Jam Competition.
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Simplify the steps of participated in "Glowing Going Gone" campaign.
Include the Adobe Sign and Adobe Filter app in the step of making pledges and share photos.
Encourage people to support the marine ecosystem continuously.
Simple steps to restore coral and marine ecosystem.
Glofi guides people how they can participate in the Glowing Going Gone campaign step by step.
First-time User Experience
Genie will lead you how to use the Glofi app!
Participants can get rewards by completing the actions given in the Glofi app such as share pledges, watching environment related videos on Neflex.
Continuous support!
The fishes can be converted to rewards. For example, you can share the pledge with your friends and get 3 fishes as a reward and get redeems. Environment-related products are available as rewards, and users can use them through stores or on websites.